Meet Guud Flow: a multivitamin that helps regulate your hormones.

Supports Hormonal Balance & Fertility

Contributes To Your Psychological Function

Contributes To The Reduction Of Fatigue

As seen in

“Guud helps women unlock their inner superpowers by living according to their cycle.”

“Guud Woman offers a safe place to discuss taboo topics like the menstrual cycleor fertility.”

“Guud is a community for women who want to improve their menstrual health.”

As seen in:

“Guud helps women unlock their inner superpowers by living according to their cycle.”


“Guud Woman offers a safe place to discuss taboo topics like the menstrual cycle or fertility.”


“Guud is a community for women who want to improve their menstrual health.”



“Super product that does what it promises 😍” - Julie H.
and more reviews from happy customers

5-Star Reviews


Bekijk ingrediënten

Boost je energie, immuunsysteem & hormonale balans!

Het aanbod is 24u geldig, maar als jij kiest voor een 2 maanden subscription blijft de prijs forever!


1 maan Subscription 




2 maanden Subscription

€1,65 per dag

Geleverd elke 60 dagen

Niet tevreden? Annuleer het abonnement wanneer jij wil

Exclusief Whatsapp    support door onze experten voor al je vragen rond energie


Tweemaandelijks 2x Flow+Vibes bundel

Bundle Up & Save 

Bundle Up & Save

107 Reviews 

Flow + Inside

Guud Flow + Guud Inside = the best combination to support your overall well-being. 



7 Reviews 

Flow + Vibes 

Tired of feeling… tired? This powerhouse combo is sure to put a spring in your step. It’s the perfect blend of vitamins. 



107 Reviews 

Flow + Inside + Vibes 

Eliminate guesswork in supplement selection with this trio for hormone support, pregnancy, and fertility. 



102 Reviews 

Flow + Inside + Glow + Vibes 

If two’s company and three’s a crowd, four is a party! Yes, you can take all four supplements and get all the guud stuff. 



107 Reviews 

Flow + Inside

Guud Flow + Guud Inside = the best combination to support your overall well-being. 



107 Reviews

107 Reviews 

Flow + Vibes 

Tired of feeling… tired? This powerhouse combo is sure to put a spring in your step. It’s the perfect blend of vitamins. 



7 Reviews 

107 Reviews 

Flow + Inside + Glow + Vibes 

If two’s company and three’s a crowd, four is a party! Yes, you can take all four supplements and get all the guud stuff. 



102 Reviews 

If two’s company and three’s a crowd, four is
a party! Yes, you can
take all four
supplements and get all the guud stuff. 

107 Reviews 

Flow + Inside + Vibes 

Eliminate guesswork in supplement selection with this trio for hormone support, pregnancy, and fertility. 



107 Reviews

Zuivere Ingrediënten

Guud Flow, Vibes & Inside bevatten


Zorgen voor de normale werking van het immuunsysteem & bescherming van cellen tegen oxidatieve stress


Dragen bij tot de normale werking van het immuunsysteem


Ondersteunt de energiestofwisseling, het zenuwstelsel & het immuunsysteem


Ondersteunt de cognitieve functie & energiemetabolisme 




Dragen bij aan een normaal energiemetabolisme

Vermindert het risico op geboorteafwijkingen

Draagt bij aan de gezondheid van hart- en bloedvaten. Gemaakt van algenolie, beter voor jou én de natuur

Zuivere ingrediënten

Guud Flow, Vibes & Inside bevatten

“I was already supporting my cycle through diet, sleep, rest, and exercise. But since taking Vibes, I really feel the difference in my energy levels!”

Lieve, Verified buyer 

“I used to suffer so much from cramps and this is now a thing of the past. Thanks to Flow and Vibes, I’ve never felt so good and on top of being a woman. Thank you!!”

Celine, Verified buyer

"I started taking Guud Flow because my cycle was a rollercoaster every month. After 8 months, I clearly notice a difference: less extreme mood swings, more regular cycle, and a refreshing mindset that allows for smoother seasons.”

Helena M, Verified buyer

“I was already supporting my cycle through diet, sleep, rest, and exercise. But since taking Vibes, I really feel the difference in my energy levels!”

Lieve, Verified buyer

“I used to suffer so much from cramps and this is now a thing of the past. Thanks to Flow and Vibes, I’ve never felt so good and on top of being a woman. Thank you!!”

Celine, Verified buyer

“I used to suffer so much from cramps and this is now a thing of the past. Thanks to Flow and Vibes, I’ve never felt so good and on top of being a woman. Thank you!!”

Helena M, Verified buyer







Yes, you can skip deliveries, adjust the frequency, or cancel your subscription at any time. And more answers to FAQs here:

Yes, you can skip deliveries, adjust the frequency, or cancel your subscription at any time. And more answers to FAQs here:

Are supplements useful when I am on hormonal contraceptive?

Yes, certain studies show that hormonal contraceptives could deplete your body from certain vitamins and minerals.

What is active folic acid?

Guud Flow contains 500 mcg Quatrefolic®, a highly absorbable folic acid that gives you the best results for your health.
Ordinary folic acid and folates are not biologically active, and to be used effectively, they must first be converted into the body by an enzyme. Unfortunately, this enzyme does not work sufficiently for many people, meaning that ordinary folic acid will not be effective. With Quatrefolic®, you don’t need to worry about converting the enzyme, as you’re taking the active form, which can be absorbed into the body immediately.

What type of magnesium do you use in the Guud Vibes and will it cause stomach or bowel problems?

Guud Vibes contains magnesium derived from algae (Aquamin), and magnesium citrate and bisglycinate. Magnesium is often sold as magnesium oxide, which can be difficult to absorb into the body, causing gastrointestinal problems for many people.
Using magnesium citrate and bisglycinate (organically bound magnesium forms) means better absorption in the body and better results. Plus, it avoids the annoying side effects of gastrointestinal problems. Magnesium citrate and bisglycinate is found in high-quality magnesium supplements.

How effectively do the supplements work and how long should I take them?

For best results, we recommend taking our supplements in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle: a varied diet, stress-busting routines, exercise, low/no alcohol, and lots of happy times. Our supplements are created with research-informed ingredient combinations, scientifically proven to tackle the hormone-related complaints many women face. Our ingredients are all linked to official health claims so that women can support their cycle and health.
There are several factors that determine how long it takes for a supplement to start working. A balanced diet and lifestyle is the starting point. In addition, your body may also have certain nutrient deficiencies. The less they are present in your body, the longer it takes before you notice whether something 'starts working'. If there is a greater deficiency of a particular nutrient, it will take longer for the level of that nutrient to normalize.

Can I combine and take the different Guud-supplements together?

We have formulated the supplements to ensure you don’t consume too much of one ingredient, meaning they’re safe to take all 4 (Flow, Glow, Inside & Vibes) together without exceeding the daily recommended amount of certain vitamins and minerals. Limit the intake of extra zinc via a zinc supplement (10 mg and above) to a few weeks or months.

Should I take the supplements at the suggested times?

Ideally yes. We recommend you take your supplements with a meal, not on an empty stomach to avoid gastrointestinal problems. Swallow them with water and not with coffee. Some vitamins and minerals are less well absorbed by the body when you take them with coffee.

Do the supplements contain preservatives and added sugar?

Our supplements are as natural as possible. We use Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) for our capsules instead of (bovine) gelatin. Hydroxypropyl cellulose is derived from wood cellulose. In many dietary supplements, you will find silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, and titanium dioxide. These substances are used to fill the capsules better and whiten the capsules. We do not use silicon and titanium dioxide because EFSA (European Food & Safety Agency) no longer considers these substances safe due to their negative influence on the genetic material (genotoxicity).
We offer a natural alternative using rice concentrate, starch, and transparent HPMC capsules. That's why you will find very few additives in our products!

Are the supplements allergy safe?

All our supplements are free from gluten, wheat and lactose and are suitable for vegans. They don’t contain added sugar, preservatives or artificial colourings.

Where are the supplements made?

They are made in Belgium (EU) and approved by the FAVV.

How do I manage my subscription?

Managing your subscription with us is easy and flexible! You have the freedom to skip deliveries, adjust delivery frequency, change your products, or cancel your subscription at any time through our customer portal. For step-by-step guidance, check out our detailed FAQ and how-to videos in the subscription guide. Need more help? We're here for you! Reach out at or connect with us via live chat every business day from 9 till 16h.

What makes our supplements guuder than the rest?

Contains vitamins and minerals

100% natural with no nasty additives

Science-backed health benefits

Formulated for fast absorption by the body

Tested ingredients sourced from Europe


Contains vitamins and minerals

100% natural with no nasty additives

Formulated for fast absorption by the body

Tested ingredients sourced from Europe

Science-backed health benefits


Not all supplements are created equal


1 maan Subscription 


€2,47 per dag

Tweemaandelijks 2x Flow+Vibes+Inside bundel


Plus Guud Inside (omega-3) voor mood & mind


Exclusief Whatsapp    support door onze experten voor al je vragen rond energie

Geleverd elke 60 dagen

Niet tevreden? Annuleer het abonnement wanneer jij wil



2 maanden Subscription






€1,90 per dag

Eenmalige levering

Flow + Glow bundel, voldoende voor 1 maan gebruik


Zorgen voor een normaal energiemetabolisme & werking van het zenuwstelsel

Ondersteunt de cognitieve functie & energiemetabolisme



Ondersteunt de cognitieve functie & energiemetabolisme



Dragen bij aan een normaal energiemetabolisme


Dragen bij tot de normale werking van het immuunsysteem


Zorgen voor de normale werking van het immuunsysteem & bescherming van cellen tegen oxidatieve stress


Vermindert het risico op geboorteafwijkingen

Draagt bij aan de gezondheid van hart- en bloedvaten. Gemaakt van algenolie, beter voor jou én de natuur


Save 34% on our bestsellers

“Super product that does what it promises 😍” - Julie H.
and more reviews from happy customers

"Since I started taking two Guud Vibes capsules daily, I sleep better and wake up more energized! Better sleep has improved my mood too. Only good vibes with this supplement!"

Big plans ahead? We’ve got you covered. Stay energized and balanced with 100% plant-based, science-backed supplements.

Feel guud, inside and out – all summer long

Big plans ahead? We’ve got you covered. Stay energized and balanced with 100% plant-based, science-backed supplements.

Save 34% on our bestsellers

Feel guud, inside and out – all summer long


Zie het verschil

Morgane, co-founder van Guud Woman

Zie het verschil

When Morgane was diagnosed with PCOS and doctors couldn’t help alleviate her symptoms, she decided figure it out on her own. So, she retrained as a Nutrition and Fertility expert and quickly discovered that small lifestyle changes, combined with the right supplements, had major impacts on her cycle and fertility.

However, the “right” supplements were few and far between. The supplement market was full of products containing chemical preservatives, artificial colourings, and fillers. Even worse, these products failed to deliver any results at all. That’s when Morgane and Jan set out to create something better — something that actually worked!

After countless rounds of testing, Guud Woman was born. The result: a line of supplements with the best active and natural ingredients scientifically proven to support women’s health and menstrual cycles. 

Morgane, co-founder van Guud Woman

"Mijn huid verzorgen van binnenuit was essentieel voor minder acne. Supplementen hebben een groot verschil gemaakt,  minder hormonale acne en meer zelfvertrouwen."

“Mijn huid verzorgen van binnenuit was essentieel voor minder acne. Supplementen hebben een groot verschil gemaakt, minder hormonale acne en meer zelfvertrouwen.”

from 396 reviews


This season, nothing’s gonna cramp your style

Feel like maintaining your healthy routine during the summer months is a bit more challenging? You’re not alone.

You might not fully feel it, but studies show that late nights out, alcohol or lack of sleep can lead to deficiencies in essential nutrients like folic acid, B vitamins, magnesium, zinc, and more. Taking a direct toll on your energy levels and mood.

Not to mention when your period shows up uninvited the night before a big event… leaving you crampy, tired, and bloated.

Summer forecast: #guudvibesonly

Whether you're dancing at a festival, exploring the other side of the world or just relaxing at the beach, our supplements are the easiest thing to implement in your routine. To make the best out of your summer months. 

Gimme the guud vibes

The Guud Stuff

Stay energized by day.
Sleep well at night.


Stay energized by day.
Sleep well at night.


Wake up on the sunny side

Magnesium supports relaxation and stress resilience, contributes to mental health, and reduces fatigue.

Support your cycle, hormonal balance, and overall well-being with Vibes & Flow (our bestsellers!)

Give your mood a boost

Quatrefolic® is clinically proven to support mood and immunity. It also reduces fatigue and tiredness.

Support overall health

Magnesium is your BFF after dancing all night—it supports muscles, immunity, energy, and keeps your gut, heart, and bones happy.

Feel guud throughout your cycle

Vitamin B6 regulates hormonal activity and can help reduce PMS symptoms, including mood swings, irritability, and anxiety.

Save big on VIBES & FLOW

The Guud Stuff

Your questions answered by experts who care about you


Have your questions answered
by experts who really care about you


Got a question about your cycle, nutrition, exercise, sexual health, or something else? You name it, we’re here for it.

You can reach our team of midwives, nutritionists, doctors, pharmacists, gynecologists, and sexual health therapists via live chat support Monday - Friday
09:00 – 16:00.

We promise it’s real people, not a chatbot!

“Vibes is my knight in shining armour when I’m the damzel in mental distress. It lifts me up and makes me the lightest version of myself.”

“More energy, clearer skin and the best: my PMS is down to almost zero. This is without doubt the best investment in my selfcare routine so far. Also glad I’ve taken the subscription, so the GUUD stuff keeps coming to me without having to re-order.”

"Super! Feeling really good, it’s now my third month and I’m definitely going to keep taking it!"

"I feel much more energetic so the mood swings hardly occur anymore 😊"

“Feeling very guud overall and big difference with being on the pill. Less mood swings, energetic and very good.”

Subscribe & Save 34%

The Guud Stuff

The best thing about our supplements: they actually work


The best thing about our supplements: they actually work


Research-backed ingredients

Only the highest-quality ingredients with proven health benefits. Verified by decades of scientific research and tested by a third party.

Here’s what makes Guud products oh-so-effective

Fast, easy absorption by the body

Synthetic ingredients found in most mass-market supplements are difficult for the body to process. Our products contain only natural, active ingredients that are quickly absorbed.

Just the guud stuff

‘Cause your body deserves the best. Our supplements are 100% plant-based and vegan, formulated without chemical fillers or artificial additives. No nasties for you.

“Vibes is the best magnesium I have ever bought. It’s an amazing product. I take my daily dose of 2 pills before bedtime, and I wake up rested and energized. It’s pure magic - couldn't live without them!”

Enjoy more fun in the sun and grab our best-selling bundles before summer’s up!

1 month of Flow & Vibes


€1,79 / day


Get a 30-day supply sent to you monthly

Expert support via Whatsapp

Maand abonnement


FREE Shipping

Skip, pause or cancel anytime

SAVE 24%

SAVE 29%

2 months of Flow & Vibes


Get a 60-day supply sent to every 2 months

Expert support via Whatsapp


€1,65 / day


FREE Shipping

Skip, pause or cancel anytime

SAVE 34%

Seriously guud savings!

3 months of Flow & Vibes


Get a 90-day supply sent to every 3 months

Expert support via Whatsapp

Maand abonnement


Only €1,55 / day


FREE Shipping

Skip, pause or cancel anytime

Stock up for the summer so you never have to worry about missing a delivery👇

"I have been taking the supplements for 2.5 months now and I already notice a positive difference! I’m looking forward to the future!" - Yasmina V.

* discount calculated on individual price per product

Your hot girl summer awaits

So, what's it gonna be?

Summer without Guud Vibes & Flow

😥 Lack the energy for the activities you’ve been looking forward to for sooo long
😥 Feel more and more sluggish as the months go on

😥 Go into the fall feeling completely worn out (hello early winter blues!)

Summer with Guud Vibes & Flow

😃 Support your sleep and reduce tiredness (so you can feel rested no matter how late you crawl into bed)

😃 Improve stress resilience (so you can remain cool as a cucumber whatever the day throws at you!)

😃 Promote overall hormonal balance and well-being (even when you can’t always keep up with your normal healthy habits)

😃 Give your body the nutrients you need (when planning on eating instant ramen for 3 days straight at a festival)

Consistency is key to seeing results from supplements. Subscribe and save up to 34% on our bestsellers to help you feel balanced and energized all summer long!

Alison, Verified buyer 

Vicky, Verified buyer 

Sarah, Verified buyer 

Nina, Verified buyer 

Subscribe & Save 35%Save on VIBES & FLOW

Alicia, Verified buyer 

Shari D, Verified buyer